The Daring Way™

Using your courage as a compass

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Let go of the hustle for worthiness and

cultivate the courage to own your story

This workshop combines both of Brené Brown’s curricula: The Daring Way™ and Rising Strong,™ while integrating other essential elements for self-awareness and self-knowledge.

Why? When you embrace vulnerability as courage, you learn what it’s like to feel confident in communicating in relationships and understanding how to live wholeheartedly, knowing that you are enough.

We don’t think we’re enough because of many internalized messages of who, how, or what we’re supposed to be, to look, to do, etc. Then comparison starts. Then shame sets in and leads to hustling, compliance, submission, disappearing, isolation, estrangement, and more.

Check out the next Daring Way group here

Avoiding negative perception: A secret engine that runs your life

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We shun being brave when we allow fear to rule our lives.  We don't want to be seen as incompetent. Selfish. Weak. Wrong. Stupid. Ugly. Undesirable. 

When we let these thoughts about how we do not want to be seen take over, it leads us to be afraid, not take risks, please others, stay quiet about our own beliefs and opinions, and just live a small, contained life.  It's safe, but not fulfilling. 

In this workshop, we will learn ALL about this mechanism and what to do about it to live according to our own values, needs, and the truth that drives us.  

Facilitating this work for the last several years, I've adjusted, adapted, and updated the way that the material is delivered to ensure that members get what they need in a way that makes sense, empowers them in their lives, and ultimately provides the courage for them to make changes they want to see.  

It's about being real and authentic, not a chameleon to please others.  It's about accepting oneself as is, versus hiding the parts that feel shameful.  It's about learning how to communicate versus staying quiet or exploding with frustration.   

Becoming more curious than critical— of others and ourselves.

It’s hard to have courage because it means we have to face the risk of the unknown. We can’t control it.

We all feel better when we know what’s going to happen. With anxiety, our minds conjure the solution to every contingency in order to be prepared.

The result? It’s difficult to move forward because 1) we don’t know the right choice or decision to make to ensure the best outcome 2) If something bad happens that we haven’t accounted for, then we don’t think we can handle it.

The next result? We don’t show up. We’re not seen. Our voices are not heard.

We cannot tolerate vulnerability.

Using Your Courage as a Compass pulls together all of these concepts into one curriculum so that you can benefit from all.the.things.

The Daring Way, a curriculum based on the research of Dr. Brene Brown.

The Daring Way, a curriculum based on the research of Dr. Brene Brown.

What is The Daring Way™?

The Daring Way™ is a workshop for people who are holding back from fully living their lives.  They may feel afraid to show up for something that triggers anxiety, such as an interview for their dream job, a conversation with the love of their life, a conversation about a raise, a tough relationship with a family member, a new reality after divorce, etc.  

We don’t show up for scary things in our lives because we’re afraid of what will happen if we fail, or if it doesn’t go well.   Modus operandi is to avoid, and then avoid some more. We’re afraid of what our self-talk will say as we get closer to the event: Who do you think you are?  What makes you so special?  Why do you think you'll be successful now?  Oh, don't bother. 

The Daring Way™ provides a method to work through the issues that get in the way of showing up for these hard things, these difficult events, or those anxiety-provoking conversations in our lives. 

Read the blog post:  Courage is a Heart Word: How The Daring Way Changed my Life

What The Daring Way™ is not:

A quick fix: all of the skills, strategies, and tools are practices, which means we have to learn them and integrate them into our lives. Brené herself is transparent in her own struggles to practice the tools and guideposts to Wholehearted Living.

A gimmick: this is a way of living, loving, leading, and parenting that helps you to function as your most authentic and courageous self.

A Confessional: Sitting around with a group of people whining about feelings, making confessions, or standing in front of a group of people talking by yourself.

More About The Daring Way™

The Daring Way™ is a highly experiential methodology based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown. The method was designed for work with individuals, couples, families, work teams, and organizational leaders. During the process, we explore topics such as vulnerability, courage, shame, and worthiness. We examine the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that are holding us back and we identify the new choices and practices that will move us toward more authentic and wholehearted living. The primary focus is on developing shame resilience skills and developing daily practices that transform the way we live, love, parent, and lead.
